Insert or overlay clips from the Project window


Turn on Project window thumbnails.

By default, the Project window thumbnails are turned off. However, turning them on gives you a quick look at your footage and helps you view an In point.

After you have captured your clips, and they are all listed in the Project window, click the Project window menu and scroll to Thumbnails. Make sure that there is a checkmark next to Large. If not, choose Large to maximize the size of the footage thumbnail. Then, click the menu and choose Thumbnails again. If there is a check next to Off, choose it to deactiviate it. If you want to preview your video, click the play button next to the preview thumbnail or drag the slider below the thumbnail.


Set an In point.

You can now perform a basic trim in the Project window. First, click the Project window menu and choose Edit Columns. In the Edit Columns dialog box, make sure that Video In Point is selected. In the Project window, select your target clip. Locate the Preview thumbnail in the upper left corner of the Project window and make sure that the slider beneath the thumbnail is all the way to the left. Then, click the Poster Frame button. Drag the scroll bar at the bottom of the Project window until you see the Video In Point column appear. Then, when you release the underlined Video In Point value, the footage thumbnail updates to a new In point for your footage.

Note that the poster frame you set is considered the beginning of the footage. For example, if you set the poster point to be 10 seconds into the footage, then when you drag the Video In Point value, the displayed time for that value is measured from the location of the poster frame, not the actual beginning of the footage. Set the poster frame as the first frame of the footage in order for the In point value to be accurate in relation to the actual beginning of the footage.


Insert or overlay the clip in the Timeline window.

To insert the clip and subsequently ripple all the clips in the sequence, hold down Ctrl and drag the clip to the sequence.

To overlay the clip, drag it over a section in the sequence. While still holding the mouse button, note the Program view of the Monitor window. In it, you see two images. These images show the range of frames in the sequence that you will replace when you release the mouse button and overlay the clip. When you are satisfied with the placement, release the mouse button.

In the Program view, you see the two frames between which you will be inserting the dragged clip. Drag the clip until you find the exact point where you want to place it, and release the mouse button. Repeat either method for each clip you want to overlay or insert.


Preview and refine your sequence.

After inserting or overlaying the clips, define a work area and preview your edit. To quickly define a work area, drag the current-time indicator to the point in the sequence where you want the work area to begin and press Alt + [ . Then, drag the current-time indicator to your desired Out point, and press Alt + ] . Press Enter to begin the preview.

When setting your source clip’s In and Out points in the Source view, you can still use the Program view to preview their placement in the sequence if you drag or Ctrl-drag the clip from the Source view. You can further refine your edits by dragging the head or tail of the clips in the Timeline window or by using the Trim view. See the Adobe Premiere Pro User Guide for information on trimming in the Timeline window and using the Source and Trim views.


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