Create a looping soundtrack


Import video into Adobe Audition.

Launch Adobe Audition and choose View > Multitrack View. (If this is the first time you are launching Adobe Audition, Multitrack mode opens first, with initial loop files. If this happens, choose File > New Session and do not save the initial session.) In Multitrack mode, you can mix up to 128 different audio tracks, including tracks from video files you have. Select Track 1 by clicking in any empty space on that track, and choose Insert > Video From File. Choose the video file you want to augment with music and click Open. Adobe Audition places the video on Track 1 and places the audio on Track 2. You also see a window that displays your video so that you can watch the video as you edit the audio.

You can include footage from only one video per session, but you can mix the audio from several videos in a session, up to the 128-track limit. To mix the audio from several videos, select an empty track and choose Insert > Audio from Video File.


Import an audio file to loop.

Looping a sampled audio file is the quickest way to create a seamless music soundtrack, and Adobe Audition makes it easy to combine several files of this type. A short audio file works best for loops. To import a file for looping, right-click the next empty track below the video track and choose Insert > Wave From File. Adobe Audition imports the file at the location of the cursor on the track. Right-click and drag the imported file to the location where you want it to begin playing, in relation to the audio track in your imported video file.

To import one of the installed Adobe Audition files, navigate to the program directory and choose a .CEL file from the Audition Theme folder. A .CEL file is an .MP3 file with modifications to it that make it suitable for looping. Adobe Audition includes several such royalty-free .CEL files. In addition, there are roughly 2,000 other loop-ready files on the supplemental CD included with the product.


Prepare the file for looping.

Select the imported file and choose View > Loop Properties. In the Wave Block Looping dialog box, make sure that Enable Looping is selected. (If you imported a .CEL file, it is already enabled for looping.) Set the time ruler to display in bars and beats by choosing View > Display Time Format > Bars And Beats.

Aligning your looped audio files is easier when you choose Bars And Beats as your time format. This allows you to time your music according to the number of beats the passages have. See Adobe Audition Help for information on using the Bars And Beats time format.


Loop the file.

Once you have enabled the file for looping, a series of diagonal lines appear in the bottom right corner of the loop. Position the cursor over these lines and drag to loop the file. Vertical dotted lines appear at each segment of the completed loop. Continue dragging to encompass the area where you want the loop to play.

If you import a .CEL file, it also includes an icon in the bottom left corner of the clip that signifies that the file is a loop file.


Preview the loop.

After dragging the loop, you can now hear how it sounds with your video file while you watch the video. To make sure that the preview plays from the beginning, press the Home key. Then, press the spacebar to begin the preview. To stop the preview, click the Stop button or press the spacebar again.

To begin the preview from a point in the track other than the beginning, position the cursor where you want the preview to begin, then press the spacebar. Once you have listened to it, you can adjust the volume of the track or add effects to further refine it. See Adobe Audition Help for information on adjusting the volume of a track or adding effects to it. As mentioned earlier, you can add up to 128 tracks. To add and adjust more audio tracks, repeat steps 2 through 5.

Import the video into Adobe Premiere Pro.

Once you are satisfied with the mix, choose File > Save Mixdown To Video As. Navigate to a location to save your file, name it, and click Save. You can save the file only as an .AVI file. Then, import the file into your Adobe Premiere Pro project and drag it to the Timeline window. The file appears as you mixed it in Adobe Audition.

If you need to remix the file, select it in the Timeline window and choose Edit > Edit Original to open it again in Adobe Audition. Modify the file, save it, and it will update in Adobe Premiere Pro. You can extend the functionality of the Edit Original command by configuring Adobe Audition to link mixdown files with related session files. Simply choose Options > Settings, click the Data tab, and select Embed Project Link Data For Edit Original Functionality. Then, when you save mixdown files, select Save Extra Non-audio Information.


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